Portal Tasks on a Calendar View

June, 2024
New in FORM OpX: now Portal users can manage tasks in a Calendar view for a more dynamic and visual approach to task management.

How it Works

  • Tasks are organized based on their Due Date.
  • The tasks are color-coded based on their statuses:
    • Overdue tasks are highlighted in red.
    • Completed tasks are marked in green.
    • Active tasks are using your brand color.
  • Toggle off weekends from your view to save screen space and focus on weekdays.
  • Narrow your search by implementing the Due Date and Assign Date advanced filters.
  • Click on Task Details for comprehensive information about the task, such as description, status, and associated notes.
  • Drag and drop tasks from overwhelming days to change the due date in a second.
  • And even more!

Check out our help page for more details.

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