Introducing Jobs

GoSpotCheck by FORM
April, 2024
Think of a Job as a smarter Mission. They help leaders streamline work that needs to be completed at a specific place by a specific person, creating more control over assigning and tracking tasks.*

How Does it Work?

Admins can assign Jobs to specific team members with start and end dates.

They can include pre-populated responses to give users more context with clear instructions.

After a Job has been completed, leaders can create and track follow-up tasks.

Easy Job Creation

Jobs can be assigned to an individual or a team to ensure the right work gets done by the right person.

Clear Instructions

Mobile users will easily see Jobs assigned to them within the app with pre-set instructions so they have more context.

Job Manager

Admins can keep track of each Job’s status review progress in the Job Manager and create follow-up Jobs as necessary.

Check out our resource page for more details on Jobs
and to take an interactive product tour!

*The duration and pre-population fields are currently only
available in Missions enabled with Advanced Logic.

Book a Demo

Schedule a live demo to see FORM in action and learn how it can power productivity from the field.