Latest Blogs
Whether you are planning and executing merchandising strategies for a retailer, a supplier, a distributor, or a broker, off-shelf displays will be one of the most important sales drivers in your toolbelt. You may choose to use visual merchandising displays for many reasons: to support new product launches, promote seasonal items, showcase everyday low price […]
We’ve all experienced the frustrations of choice paralysis – too many options for a particular product can lead to long pauses in grocery aisles and an unnecessary source of shopping spree stress. As customers are flooded with more and more product choices in big-box grocery retail stores and online, their ability to distinguish which product […]
GoSpotCheck by FORM
Planning for FMCG Sales and Distribution So, you want to drive sales on fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). That’s great, but in order to bring your discount ideas to life, you need a proper promotional plan in place. A promotional plan outlines how and when a supplier or distributor will offer price discounts on their products […]
Same team. Great tech. More superpowers. Over the last 18 months, we’ve brought together the best technology for field execution with a series of strategic acquisitions, with easier ways to collect, share, and act on the data that creates value for you by bringing together the power of FORM, GoSpotCheck, Rodio, and ShelfWise technologies. With […]
A build vs buy software decision stands as one of the most challenging decisions facing enterprise organizations today. As competition grows and technology lifecycles shorten, weighing the pros and cons of building and buying may feel overwhelming and hectic to even the most experienced of teams—but how do you make the right choice for yours? […]
Insights for The Future of Software with Principal Analyst at Forrester In September 2021, FORM hosted our exclusive Digital Summit, an annual opportunity for us to share our vision and technology roadmap with customers. Last year featured guest speaker Duncan Jones, Vice President & Principal Analyst of Forrester, who spoke on the current and future […]
Consumer Goods
New Product Launches Launching new FCMG products into the market is no easy task – food trends are constantly shifting, R&D takes time and money, the marketing of FMCG items is more competitive than ever, and there are seemingly countless moving parts that are required to coordinate in order to get your new item picked up […]
How Retailers & Brands Are Leveraging Mobile Technology The GoSpotCheck by FORM Digital Customer Summit is an opportunity for the FORM team to share our technology roadmap as well as key insights and predictions from top analysts. At the 2021 Summit, Forrester Senior Analyst Scott Compton explored the future of retail in 2022 and beyond […]
Image Recognition
Artificial intelligence (AI) is improving business outcomes and creating competitive advantages for leading beverage brands. Although the technology itself is complex, its proliferation is easy to understand: operational efficiencies, market, and product data collection simplification, supply chain optimization, increased transparency and sales activity enablement. By 2024, AI in the food and beverage market is expected […]
We’ve had a profound experience of how vital the food supply chain and its frontline workers are to our security with COVID-19. As brands rebuild from the pandemic, most will reexamine the future of work, and the impact the dependencies between people, product, institutions, technology and each other have on their business. The “new normal” […]
GoSpotCheck by FORM
Overnight, the world’s frontline workers in essential retail emerged as the heroes they are during the COVID-19 pandemic, while furloughed workers from other retail sectors joined the 30 million Americans who have filed for unemployment since mid-March. Adapting to conditions that are changing by the hour, retailers have met customers in new channels, wrestled with supply chain, […]
Digital transformation, consumer demands for convenience, and Gen Z buying power proliferation have created waves of disruption for retail. As automated technology like chatbots and blockchain permeate the industry, the demand for elevated shopping experiences and human interaction are requiring retailers to adapt and experiment with technology that allows them to thrive online and offline. […]